Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Sum and substance

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID

Sunday, May 24, 2015


Silver Squill, Leopard Plant, Silver Leopard Ledebouria Growing Instructions An easy to grow, bulbous succulent that has dark green leopard spots all along its greygreen, thick, glossy leaves. I have been unable to get an identification of the exact species of Ledebouria this is, but it is a lovely plant, nonetheless! I see that most Ledebouria have a bulb that grows ABOVE GROUND, however mine have always been grown below the soil line. These make great house or container plants which will multiply quickly to fill your container to overflowing with very little care! I grow mine in full shade and the wonderful colors and patterns on the leaves will add interest to any corner of your house or patio all year long. These are tender tropicals, so don't allow them to get too cold (I keep mine above 40°F). Beyond that, they require very little - water them once in a while and provide good drainage in their container and they'll amaze you with how fast they can multiply and fill your container to overflowing! These plants are extremely drought tolerant, and if necessary can go without water for long periods of time Planting / Growing Instructions: Unless you live in the warmest zones (10 or warmer), you’ll need to keep your plant as a container/house plant. Use well draining, sandy soil in your container (I suggest using an orchid or cactus mix but NOT regular potting soil – it stays too wet) and make you’re your container has EXCELLENT DRAINAGE (terra cotta pots are excellent for these plants as they drain well and allow moisture to evaporate through the pot itself). Plant your bulbs below the soil line so that just the leaves and a small part of the top of the bulb is above ground. After giving it a good drink when you first plant it, water only about once a week or when the soil is dry. The plant tends to multiply quickly and fill its entire container making it difficult to check for watering. If you can't water by feeling the soil... use the weight method. Check your plants weight weekly. When it feels fairly light or is just beginning to wilt... it's time to water. The bulbs of this plant stores water... so you may not need to water your plant but every 2 weeks. Feed every couple of months with a liquid houseplant fertilizer. These can be placed in low light... but I grow mine in bright indirect light for optimum growth. Propagate by dividing the plant. Onalee’s Home Grown Seeds & Plants onalee@aol.com www.onaleeseeds.com www.GrowingGuides.com

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Here are some beautiful pictures from France.  Our wonderful friend Henry Content took these in his yard on 5/9/2015.  Thank you so much Henry.  they are so beautiful.

Not 100% sure but I think this is a bachelor button.

White Iris.  (Isn't that buttery lemon yellow part magnificent?)
This is Columbine.  

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Oreganum Sedum
This was a gift from my friend Mary.  She bought it at Kaermer's
They have such beautiful plants. 

Information from Perinnials.com

The creeping selections of Stonecrop are excellent groundcover plants, particularly for hot, dry sites with poor soil. This species forms a low, spreading mat of succulent green leaves, like a tiny Jade Plant. Yellow starry flowers appear in summer. Also well-suited to growing in tubs or alpine trough gardens. Evergreen. During the summer, plants turn a bright crimson-red colour when grown in full sun, with lean dry soil. Native to the west coast mountains, and particularly suited to areas with high precipitation.

Further details for
Sedum oreganum

Optimal Growing
Appearance and
Sun Exposure
  Full Sun or
  Partial Shade
Soil Type
  Normal or
  Sandy or
Soil pH
  Neutral or
  Alkaline or
Soil Moisture
Care Level
Flower Colour
Blooming Time
  Early Summer
  Mid Summer
Foliage Color
  Deep Green
Plant Uses & Characteristics
  Accent: Good Texture/Form
  Alpine & Rock
  Attracts Butterflies
  Attracts Hummingbirds
  Deer Resistant
  Drought Tolerant
  Rabbit Resistant
  Ground Cover
  Wild Flower
Flower Head Size
  Very Small
   10-15 cm
   4-6 inches
   30-60 cm
   12-23 inches
Foot Traffic

Growth Rate

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID